So I ordered a InfraCloud on QN, and added some IPv6 addresses.
But it seems that they're unpingable, so I know I should apply these IPs to the VM manually.
(Debian 7 64bit)
When I typed apt-get update,
"Cannot resolve host name:"
So it seems that the DNS is not pre-set in the ISO.
I tried to open DNS setting file in VI, but the keyboard was a mess, cannot edit.
So I know I should "apt-get install vim", but still "cannot resolve host name:"
This is a cycle, I am not able to install vim or vi the DNS file, so inconvenient.
BTW, @QuadraNet, can you stop Jenny from "spamming" my email? Long ago I asked some questions about your dedicated server, but she is always sending me "你们什么时候订机器" (When do you want to order a server), which "spammed" me several times.
Added: your panel often got errors, such as 500.
And also some "errors" without reason, showing in a red ribbon.