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ValueVZ.com review -- 1$/year VPS



Today I heard of http://valuevz.com looked a bit dodgy but for $1 why the hell not?
So after paying my $1 PP the server details were sent to me in under 5 minutes so far so good. Ran a few benchmark tests to see what can you get for $1.


Firstly due to the VPS being IPv6 only it cannot run the freeVPS benchmark tool. But with some modifying I have adapted it to use the LES IPv6 servers to download from (only IPv6 LGs I could think of). The VPS has a 10mbit connection advertised that equates to around 1.25MegaByte per second. And to be honest you should be able burst that easy. So the results are:

Download speed from LES LA: 1.10MB/s
Download speed from LES NC: 1.02 MB/s
Download speed from LES KC: 923KB/s
Download speed from LES FR: 1.13MB/s
Download speed from LES DE: 1.13MB/s
Download speed from LES UK: 1.14MB/s
Download speed from LES NL: 1.13MB/s
Download speed from LES JP: 1.12MB/s
Download speed from LES IT: 1.13MB/s
Download speed from LES AU: 1.12MB/s

Overall this is quite impressive for me, only one that stands out is KC but they are all the way in US where the VM is in France.
So I re-ran KC via wget and got:

2015-01-24 19:27:44 (854 KB/s) - `25MB.test.1' saved [25000000/25000000]

Still not bad but not perfect


Not much to be said other than its there. You get 32MB SWAP with each VM. Personally would prefer more but swap is swap.

Total amount of ram : 128 MB
Total amount of swap : 32 MB


My most dreaded part about this VPS, and to be honest its most likely the worst part of my dollar. It appears to be a Dedibox SC Gen2 or KIDÉCHIRE which as we know are not the best at CPU tasks. Even worse that he only advertises 10% of a 1.6GHz CPU which for those who aren't good at maths is ~160MHz. Which isn't much but again for a dollar you can't really complain

CPU model :  VIA Nano processor U2250 (1.6GHz Capable)
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency :  158.976 MHz


Not always featured in reviews but for a dollar why not. I got around my 5GB as advertised but I/O isn't the best but again it's a dollar ffs.
1st run:

I/O speed :  29.8 MB/s

2nd run:

I/O speed :  29.5 MB/s

Not lightning speed but at 160MHz this could be why.

root@1dollarvps:~# df -h
Filesystem         Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/ploop45789p1  4.8G  313M  4.3G   7% /
tmpfs               13M   28K   13M   1% /run
tmpfs              5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs               32M     0   32M   0% /run/shm

Almost 5GB :P


Well what can I say its a dollar. It's okay for projects and testing but really with the low CPU not much is possible. But for hosting a website it could work, or maybe a VPN I will report more about possible things to do with 160MHz. Personally only buy if you are not serious about anything you are about to host on it. It could be gone tomorrow but why not for a dollar I can't complain, PP dispute still exists for 180 days so I can have around 3 months or money back :P, I cannot stress that it has no SLA/support so not really a production host.

Another odd thing I noticed was that the VM was active for 1day+ before I purchased it. Doesn't bother me much but odd lol.

And finally there is no control panel for anything, but you can get OS reinstalls via email as described in the welcome email.

Well my fingers are now bleeding from this huge wall of text, but have fun but not too much fun.

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