Hello LET,
I recently bought the 512MB VPS offer from hostclean and paid for 3 month.
Their thread http://www.lowendtalk.com/discussion/comment/1390286/
My intention was to run a Tor Exit Node. First of all I asked if it's ok to run a Tor Exit Node. This was the answer:
Some time later I paid and they set up the VPS. Every 2-3 days I notice my bandwith in SolusVM was reset (I guess by hand cause my machine was down until my boot in SolusVM). I dunno if by hand or by SolusVM itself. afair it was 999GB
Some days later they set the bandwith in SolusVM to 95367TB and they changed my plan from 512MB VPS to 256MB and already supend it at WHMCS:
I wrote a ticket and asked what happend:
Have a look at the screenshot: the suppport says: 183 of 512MB is used....
Days later my VPS was completely supended. Can't connect to it anymore. My ticket:
and the last ticket wasn't replied:
What are your thoughts LET?