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BlueVM review - Stay the f*** away!


Ok, I have/had a BlueVM shared hosting reseller account. I thought I would post my (Horrific) experiences here.

First of all one of the nodes is having issues updating DNS issues and having licensing issues, because of this I am transferred to a new node (Massive inconvenience as I had to update all the domain names nameservers but was do-able)

Ok. Then I set up shop on the new server, I had quite a bit of downtime I wish I had documented, A lot of cpanel issues and the like.

Then one day I could no longer log into my cpanel (server s17.) Made a support ticket and got this as a reply

Not very helpful and very odd especially considering I have been waiting since the 28th of March 2015...

Aright so I have opened a new ticket (see no reason why this "new administration" could not just login to WHMCS and do the old tickets but oh well)

I decided to order new reseller hosting decided my old reseller hosting had something wrong with it (fault on the cpanel account? etc). I order from BlueVM the same plan and have been stuck on pending for a while. Made a ticket dated 05/30/2015 about it and guess what? No reply.

I have now requested a cancellation of all services and a refund for the services which have not even been setup and what do you expect? No reply.

I would do a chargeback with paypal but apparently BlueVM have a knack for winning chargebacks.

Overall I would rate @BlueVM -1/5 for the horrific support and patchy service. Admittedly for the short time it worked it was good. Very short time.


RemovedUsername: Oh and expect to have your account banned from LET and be deleted.

(If this thread is deleted i'll repost to another forum with proof that this forum is being censored as many people seem to think)

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